Close The Door

I’ve already closed the door before, I’ve already thrown it in your face. I have to do it again in this case. I’ve had enough, I don’t want your kisses anymore, I don’t want your embrace. My doormat’s been the victim of your false promises and terrible lies. I’ve been mocked, I’ve been crying. JustContinue reading “Close The Door”

A Winter Of Sorrow

I wanna wrap myself up in a blanket to feel warm. Oh no, the blanket is made of thorns! I wanna warm myself by the fire place but please tell me why is it still so freaking cold?!! I wanna spin my favorite Linda Ronstadt on my old record player to brighten my mood. ToContinue reading “A Winter Of Sorrow”

12 AM

Sometimes I just feel so hopeless, I’m a mess. My heart’s always hurting. Sometimes I just wanna cry for a while, whether it’s outside in the pouring rain, or at home in my shower when I see my blood pouring down the drain. My emotions have been bottled up for way too long, My bodyContinue reading “12 AM”

Hungry Eyes

A world that’s always hungry. Hundreds of people with hungry eyes. Poor souls with dreams about a future that’ll never happen. Broken glass is lying on the dirty ground, this world is suffering from a wound that cannot heal. Feet are black because they have walked into the awful puddle of mud mixed with tears,Continue reading “Hungry Eyes”